Gunman in Joseon is a South Korean television series set in the Joseon Dynasty. The story follows a skilled gunman named Park Yoon Kang, who seeks revenge for his father's death. Yoon Kang disguises himself as a nobleman to infiltrate the palace and get closer to his target, the man responsible for his father's murder.
As Yoon Kang navigates the dangerous political landscape of Joseon, he meets a woman named Jung Soo In, who becomes entangled in his quest for vengeance. Together, they must navigate betrayal, loyalty, and love as they uncover the truth behind Yoon Kang's father's death.
Gunman in Joseon is a thrilling historical drama that combines action, romance, and political intrigue. With its compelling storyline and dynamic characters, the series keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as Yoon Kang fights to uncover the truth and seek justice for his family.