"Han Gong-ju" is a South Korean film directed by Lee Su-jin. The story follows a high school girl named Han Gong-ju who is forced to transfer to a new school after a traumatic incident. As she tries to adjust to her new surroundings, she struggles to keep her past a secret from her classmates. However, as she forms new friendships and starts to open up, her past comes back to haunt her. The film explores themes of trauma, resilience, and the power of friendship.
Play | Title | Artist |
Han Gong-ju
The Halfblood
Carnival Row A Cappella
Sally Stevens:
Lisbeth Scott: Artist Baraka May: Artist Suzanne Waters: Artist Susie Stevens Logan: Artist Kelci Hahn: Artist Charlean Carmon: Artist Monique Donnelly: Artist Diane Freiman Reynolds: Artist |
Love Theme A Cappella
Sally Stevens:
Lisbeth Scott: Artist Baraka May: Artist Suzanne Waters: Artist Susie Stevens Logan: Artist Kelci Hahn: Artist Charlean Carmon: Artist Monique Donnelly: Artist Diane Freiman Reynolds: Artist |
Black is the Color of My True Love's Hair
Light In The Hallway
True Colors
Hey Ya
Avriel & the Sequoias: