Hinamatsuri is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masao Otake. The story follows the unusual relationship between a yakuza member named Yoshifumi Nitta and a mysterious girl with supernatural powers named Hina.
One day, Hina suddenly appears in Nitta's apartment, causing chaos in his life. Despite his initial reluctance, Nitta decides to take care of Hina and soon discovers her incredible telekinetic abilities.
As Nitta tries to balance his yakuza duties with taking care of Hina, the series explores themes of family, friendship, and the meaning of true happiness.
Hinamatsuri is a heartwarming and comedic tale that will keep readers entertained with its unique characters and unexpected twists.
Play | Title | Artist |
Hina Festival
Rie Murakawa:
Sake to Ikura to 893 to Musume
Yoshiki Nakajima: