Hocus Pocus is a 1993 American comedy horror film directed by Kenny Ortega. The story follows a teenager named Max who accidentally resurrects three witches on Halloween night in Salem, Massachusetts.
The witches, played by Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy, seek to become immortal by sucking the life force out of children. Max, along with his sister Dani and their friend Allison, must stop the witches before they carry out their evil plan.
As the witches wreak havoc on the town, Max and his friends race against time to find a way to defeat them. With the help of a talking cat named Thackery Binx, who was cursed by the witches centuries ago, they must find a way to stop the witches before it's too late.
Hocus Pocus has become a cult classic over the years, beloved by audiences for its mix of comedy, horror, and Halloween spirit.