Horace and Pete is a drama series created by Louis C.K. that follows the lives of Horace and Pete, the owners of a century-old Brooklyn bar. The show explores the dynamics of their dysfunctional family and the struggles they face in keeping the bar afloat.
The series delves into themes of family, tradition, and mental health as Horace and Pete navigate their complicated relationships with each other and their customers. The bar serves as a microcosm of society, with patrons from all walks of life coming together to share their stories and seek solace in each other's company.
As the show unfolds, secrets are revealed, relationships are tested, and the future of the bar hangs in the balance. Horace and Pete must confront their pasts and make difficult decisions that will impact not only their own lives but also the legacy of the bar itself.
Horace and Pete is a raw and emotional exploration of the human experience, offering a glimpse into the lives of two men struggling to find their place in the world while holding onto the traditions of the past.