Hot Gimmick: Girl Meets Boy
In this manga series, Hatsumi Narita is a high school student who lives in a company-owned apartment complex. Her family is constantly being blackmailed by the son of the company's president, Ryoki Tachibana. One day, Hatsumi runs into her childhood crush, Azusa Odagiri, who now lives in the same complex. Azusa offers to help Hatsumi out of her predicament, but their relationship becomes complicated when Ryoki starts showing interest in Hatsumi.
As Hatsumi navigates the complex relationships between herself, Ryoki, and Azusa, she must confront her own feelings and desires. Will she choose the safe but oppressive relationship with Ryoki, or will she take a chance on the more genuine connection she shares with Azusa?
Hot Gimmick: Girl Meets Boy explores themes of love, power dynamics, and self-discovery in a compelling and dramatic story that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.