ID:Invaded is a Japanese anime series that follows the story of a detective named Sakaido who is able to enter the minds of serial killers to solve crimes. Using a technology called the Mizuhanome system, Sakaido dives into the "id wells" of these criminals to uncover their deepest thoughts and motivations.
As Sakaido delves deeper into these id wells, he must navigate through the twisted and surreal landscapes of the killers' minds in order to piece together the clues and solve the mysteries behind their crimes. Along the way, he is assisted by a team of investigators who help him analyze the information he gathers from these dives.
With each new case, Sakaido must confront his own inner demons and grapple with the moral implications of his actions. As he continues to unravel the mysteries of the id wells, he begins to uncover a larger conspiracy that threatens to shake the very foundations of the world he thought he knew.