This mini-series focuses on two people, Tracy Whitney and Jeff Stevens. In the beginning, innocent Tracy, in love with and pregnant by the son of an affluent family, is imprisoned for a crime she didn't commit. When she eventually gets out, she sets out to get back at the people who framed her. She tries to rebuild her life, but her prison record always stands in her way. She is offered a job stealing jewelry. Jeff is a con-man who thought he had found true love, but when he learned that his wife didn't feel the same way, he decided to con some of her friends and divorce her. After stealing what she was contracted to, Tracy meets up with some policemen, one of whom is Jeff. Apparently her boss tried to double-cross her but she manages to outwit them. Later she meets Gunther Hartog, who trains her to be an international jewel thief and con-artist. She again meets Jeff and they team up. Hot on their trail is Daniel Cooper an insurance investigator, who after a childhood trauma is also a psychotic.