In Another World with My Smartphone is a Japanese light novel series written by Patora Fuyuhara and illustrated by Eiji Usatsuka. The story follows Touya Mochizuki, a fifteen-year-old boy who is accidentally killed by God. As an apology, God allows Touya to be reborn in a fantasy world with one special power: his smartphone.
With his smartphone in hand, Touya navigates this new world filled with magic and adventure. He uses his knowledge of modern technology to help him in battles and quests, making him a powerful and unique presence in this fantasy realm.
Throughout the series, Touya meets various characters who join him on his journey, forming strong bonds and friendships along the way. Together, they face challenges, uncover mysteries, and ultimately work towards a greater goal.
As Touya explores this new world with his smartphone by his side, he discovers the true extent of his powers and the impact he can have on the people around him. With humor, action, and heartwarming moments, In Another World with My Smartphone is a captivating tale of adventure and growth.