Isekai Cheat Magician is a Japanese light novel series written by Takeru Uchida and illustrated by Nardack. The story follows two high school students, Taichi Nishimura and Rin Azuma, who are transported to a fantasy world after being caught in a mysterious magic circle.
In this new world, Taichi and Rin discover that they possess incredible magical abilities, making them powerful "cheat magicians." As they navigate this unfamiliar land, they must learn to control their powers and adapt to their new surroundings.
Together, Taichi and Rin embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of this world and find a way back home. Along the way, they encounter dangerous monsters, powerful enemies, and unexpected allies who will test their strength and determination.
Isekai Cheat Magician is a thrilling tale of adventure, friendship, and magic that will captivate readers with its exciting plot twists and dynamic characters.