Industrial Soundscape Soundtrack (

Industrial Soundscape Soundtrack (2008) cover

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Rating: 5.00/10 from 266 votes
Tags: industrial landscape, soundscape, repetitive
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Industrial Soundscape

Title in Italiano:

Industrial Soundscape

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Industrial Soundscape

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Industrial Soundscape

Title in Türk:

Industrial Soundscape

Title in Deutsch:

Industrial Soundscape


As thick clouds overcast the sky, grim harbingers of rain, the hard pneumatic piston of the massive pile driver mesmerises with its monotonous, hypnotic, and rhythmical sound. Evoking memories of Eraserhead (1977), the dark industrial landscape becomes an eerie living canvas, as the small clicking noises, the clanking sounds, and the banging of metal against metal send shivers down the spine.

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Industrial Soundscape