Initials SG is a novel written by Agatha Christie. The story follows the mysterious disappearance of a wealthy man named Sir Gervase Chevenix-Gore. His wife, Lady Chevenix-Gore, is suspected of foul play as she stands to inherit his fortune. However, a young lawyer named Mr. Satterthwaite is determined to uncover the truth behind Sir Gervase's vanishing.
As the investigation unfolds, Mr. Satterthwaite delves into the lives of the Chevenix-Gores and their acquaintances, uncovering secrets and motives that lead to a shocking revelation. The novel is filled with twists and turns, keeping readers on the edge of their seats until the final reveal.
Initials SG is a classic mystery novel that showcases Agatha Christie's talent for crafting intricate plots and compelling characters. It is a must-read for fans of detective fiction and those who enjoy a good whodunit.