Flashout is a sci-fi action movie set in the year 2022. The story follows a group of young people who are invited to participate in a virtual reality game called "Flashout". The game takes place on a space station orbiting Earth, where players must battle each other to the death in order to win a cash prize.
As the game progresses, the players begin to realize that Flashout is not just a game, but a sinister plot by the game's creators to control the minds of the players and use them as pawns in a larger scheme. The players must band together to uncover the truth behind Flashout and find a way to escape before it's too late.
Flashout is a thrilling and action-packed movie that explores themes of technology, power, and the dangers of virtual reality. With its fast-paced plot and intense action sequences, Flashout is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish.