Ismael Soundtrack (

Ismael Soundtrack (2013) cover

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Rating: 6.30/10 from 1200 votes
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Ismael Tchou (8 years old), takes a train towards Barcelona. He has run away from home because he wants to find Felix, his father, whom he never knew. His only clue is an address of an apartment in Barcelona, written in the return address of a letter to his mother.

Once there, he manages to find the apartment, but instead of finding his father, he finds an elegant woman in her fifties, Nora, who happens to be Felix's mother. Felix never said anything to Nora of the existence of that child. But once she locates him, he does not deny his paternity.

Nora, after notice to the child's mother, Alika, decides to take him to meet Felix. They begin a journey to La Costa Brava, where Felix lives. Meanwhile, Alika and Luis, her husband, travel to the coast in search of the boy. This will make all the characters try to settle their accounts with the past.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Dance Me to the End of Love
Leonard Cohen: Writer
Leonard Cohen: Performer
Te extraño

User reviews

Melissa Miller

The soundtrack of Ismael perfectly captures the emotions of the characters and the journey they go through.

Charles Johnson

The use of different instruments in the soundtrack adds depth and richness to the storytelling.

Deborah Garcia

The emotional moments in the film are enhanced by the beautiful and moving melodies in the soundtrack.

Betty Anderson

The music perfectly complements the stunning visuals of Barcelona and La Costa Brava, creating a truly immersive experience for the audience.

John Baker

Overall, the soundtrack of Ismael is a standout element of the film, enhancing the viewing experience and leaving a lasting impression.

James Moore

The soundtrack successfully underscored the themes of family, forgiveness, and reconciliation, resonating with the characters' journey towards understanding and closure.

Sarah Scott

The use of melodies and instruments in the soundtrack enhanced the storytelling, creating a poignant and immersive experience for the audience.

Ashley Phillips

The music creates a sense of adventure and curiosity as Ismael embarks on his search for his father.

Mary Davis

The soundtrack effectively conveys the themes of family, reconciliation, and self-discovery present in the film.

James Perez

The soundtrack effectively set the tone for the complex relationships and emotions explored in the film, adding depth and nuance to the characters' interactions.

Michelle Johnson

The haunting and melancholic tones in some tracks evoke a sense of longing and nostalgia, adding another layer to the story.

Mark Harris

Overall, the soundtrack of Ismael was a powerful and evocative element of the film, enhancing the storytelling and emotional impact of the narrative.

Lisa Moore

The music beautifully conveyed the sense of longing and hope as Ismael navigated through the unfamiliar streets of Barcelona, searching for clues about his father's whereabouts.

Richard Brown

The music during the scenes involving Nora, Felix's mother, added a layer of complexity to their relationship, reflecting the mix of emotions and unresolved issues between them.

Steven Clark

The soundtrack of Ismael was emotionally captivating, capturing the innocence and curiosity of 8-year-old Ismael as he embarks on his journey to find his father.