Istanbul Kanatlarimin Altinda is a Turkish film directed by Mustafa Altioklar. The story follows the lives of two young people, Deniz and Ayse, who come from different social backgrounds but are brought together by fate in Istanbul. Deniz is a wealthy young man who is studying architecture, while Ayse is a poor girl who works as a janitor in Deniz's apartment building. Despite their differences, they fall in love and dream of a future together.
However, their love faces many challenges, including Deniz's disapproving family and Ayse's difficult living conditions. As they struggle to overcome these obstacles, they must also confront the harsh realities of life in Istanbul, including poverty, social inequality, and political unrest.
Istanbul Kanatlarimin Altinda is a poignant and emotional film that explores the power of love to transcend social barriers and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.