"Les mendiants" is a short story that follows the lives of two beggars, Pierre and Jacques, who live on the streets of Paris. Pierre is a young man who lost everything after a failed business venture, while Jacques is an older man who has been homeless for years. Despite their different backgrounds, the two men form a strong bond and rely on each other for survival.
One day, Pierre comes up with a plan to earn enough money to get off the streets and start a new life. He convinces Jacques to join him in a scheme to beg for money in a more organized and strategic way. The plan works, and the two men start to see their fortunes change.
However, their success attracts the attention of a rival group of beggars who see them as a threat. The situation escalates, leading to a confrontation that puts Pierre and Jacques in danger. In the end, the two men must rely on their friendship and resourcefulness to overcome the challenges they face on the streets of Paris.