Jackass: The Movie is a 2002 American reality comedy film directed by Jeff Tremaine. It is based on the MTV series Jackass which features various stunts and pranks performed by the main cast.
The film follows Johnny Knoxville and his crew of friends as they embark on a series of dangerous and outrageous stunts. From being shot out of a cannon to getting attacked by a bull, the group pushes the limits of what is considered safe and sane.
Throughout the movie, the cast members face numerous injuries and mishaps, all in the name of entertainment. Despite the risks involved, the group continues to push the boundaries of what is acceptable on television.
Jackass: The Movie was a commercial success, grossing over $64 million worldwide. It was followed by several sequels and spin-off projects, solidifying its place in pop culture history.
Play | Title | Artist |
Jackass: The Movie
O Fortuna
Angel Of Death
Somebody's Gonna Get Their Head Kicked In Tonight
The Rezillos:
Party Boy Theme
Sophisticated Bitch
Public Enemy:
The Murder
Bernard Herrmann:
From psycho (1960)
Alright Alright (Here's My Fist Where's The Fight)
California Sun
That's The Way (I Like It)
Baby Got Back
Turning Japanese
Cha Cha Twist
Made In Japan
Let's Get Fucked Up
We Want Fun
Hybrid Moments
If You're Gonna Be Dumb
Drinking And Driving
Flesh Into Gear