Jonas Brothers: Sucker Soundtrack (

Jonas Brothers: Sucker Soundtrack (2019) cover

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Rating: 7.20/10 from 507 votes
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Title in Español:

Jonas Brothers: Sucker

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Jonas Brothers: Sucker

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Jonas Brothers: Sucker

Title in Français:

Jonas Brothers: Sucker

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Jonas Brothers: Sucker

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Jonas Brothers: Sucker


Jonas Brothers: Sucker is a music video released by the popular band Jonas Brothers. The video features the three brothers, Nick, Joe, and Kevin, along with their respective partners, Priyanka Chopra, Sophie Turner, and Danielle Jonas. The video showcases the brothers in a luxurious mansion, dressed in stylish outfits, and performing the song "Sucker". The visuals are vibrant and colorful, with a whimsical and playful vibe throughout. The video also includes scenes of the couples interacting and having fun together, adding a romantic element to the overall theme. The song itself is catchy and upbeat, with a catchy chorus that is sure to get stuck in your head. Overall, Jonas Brothers: Sucker is a fun and entertaining music video that showcases the band's talent and chemistry as performers.

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Jonas Brothers: Sucker

User reviews

Matthew Lewis

The Sucker music video by Jonas Brothers is a visual delight that perfectly complements the catchy and upbeat song. The luxurious mansion setting, stylish outfits, and vibrant colors create a whimsical and playful atmosphere that is a treat for the eyes.

Betty Lewis

Betty Allen

The chemistry between the brothers, Nick, Joe, and Kevin, is palpable in the video, showcasing their talent and charisma as performers while also incorporating their respective partners, Priyanka Chopra, Sophie Turner, and Danielle Jonas, adding a romantic touch to the overall theme.

William Thompson

The inclusion of the brothers' partners, Priyanka Chopra, Sophie Turner, and Danielle Jonas, adds a romantic touch to the video, making it even more engaging and relatable. Their interactions and fun moments together bring a sense of joy and warmth to the overall theme of the video.

Anthony Phillips

The whimsical and playful vibe of the video, combined with the stylish outfits and lively performances, creates an entertaining and enjoyable viewing experience that perfectly captures the essence of the song Sucker.