"Kabei: Our Mother" is a Japanese film based on the true story of the Nogami family during World War II. The film follows the struggles of the family as they face the challenges of living in Japan during the war. The mother, Kabei, must take on the responsibility of caring for her two daughters and her husband, who has been arrested for his anti-war beliefs.
As the war rages on, Kabei must navigate the difficulties of rationing, bombings, and the constant fear of losing loved ones. Despite the hardships, Kabei remains a pillar of strength for her family, providing love and support in the face of adversity.
The film highlights the resilience and courage of Kabei as she fights to keep her family together during one of the darkest periods in Japanese history. "Kabei: Our Mother" is a poignant and moving tribute to the strength of a mother's love in the face of overwhelming odds.