Killing for the Prosecution is a Japanese legal drama film directed by Masato Harada. The story follows a young prosecutor named Keiichiro Okino who is assigned to a high-profile murder case. As he delves deeper into the investigation, he discovers that the defendant may be innocent and that there is a conspiracy within the legal system to frame him.
Okino must navigate the corrupt world of the legal system as he fights to uncover the truth and bring the real killer to justice. With the help of his mentor, a seasoned prosecutor named Yusuke Kano, Okino must overcome numerous obstacles and challenges in order to prove the defendant's innocence.
Killing for the Prosecution is a gripping and suspenseful film that explores the complexities of the legal system and the lengths that some will go to in order to secure a conviction. The film is a thrilling ride from start to finish, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats as Okino races against time to uncover the truth.