The Oblongs is a satirical animated television series that aired on The WB from 2001 to 2002. The show is based on a series of characters created by Angus Oblong, who also wrote a book called "Creepy Susie and 13 Other Tragic Tales for Troubled Children."
The series follows the lives of the Oblong family, who live in the fictional town of Hill Valley. The family consists of Bob, a father who works at a toxic waste disposal plant; Pickles, a mother who is addicted to prescription medication; and their four children: Biff, Chip, Milo, and Beth.
The Oblongs explores themes of social inequality, environmental degradation, and the struggles of a dysfunctional family. The show uses dark humor and exaggerated character designs to highlight the absurdity of the world in which the Oblongs live.
Despite its short run, The Oblongs gained a cult following and is remembered for its unique style and subversive humor.