Last Supper Soundtrack (

Last Supper Soundtrack (2014) cover

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Rating: 7.40/10 from 972 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Going to America

Title in Italiano:

Going to America

Title in Português:

Going to America


Going to America

Tom is a young man from a small town in England who dreams of going to America to start a new life. He saves up enough money to buy a plane ticket and sets off on his journey.

Once in America, Tom faces many challenges as he tries to navigate a new culture and way of life. He struggles to find a job and make friends, but he is determined to succeed.

Through hard work and perseverance, Tom eventually finds a job and starts to build a life for himself in America. He learns to adapt to his new surroundings and embraces the opportunities that come his way.

Going to America is a story of courage, determination, and the pursuit of the American dream. It shows that with hard work and a positive attitude, anything is possible.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Last Supper
Dancin' with Poppa
Granny's Jazz
Dancin' with Poppa
Granny's Jazz

User reviews

Robert Thompson

Each track in the soundtrack complements the different stages of Tom's journey, from the excitement of leaving his hometown to the challenges he faces in America. The music enhances the emotional depth of the story and immerses the audience in Tom's struggles and triumphs.

Joshua King

The soundtrack of Last Supper perfectly captures the emotional journey of the main character, Tom, as he embarks on his adventure to America. The music evokes a sense of hope and determination that resonates with the audience.

John King

The soundtrack of Last Supper is a powerful and moving accompaniment to Tom's story of courage, determination, and the pursuit of the American dream. It elevates the film to a new level, immersing the viewers in Tom's journey and leaving a lasting impact.

Donna Hill

The soundtrack for Last Supper lacks depth and emotion, failing to capture the complexity of Tom's journey from a small town in England to America. The music feels generic and uninspired, missing the opportunity to enhance the storytelling and evoke the struggles and triumphs of the protagonist.

Matthew Smith

Overall, the soundtrack of Last Supper is a standout feature of the film, elevating the storytelling and enhancing the emotional impact of the characters' journey. The music brings the story to life and leaves a lasting impression on the audience.

Amanda Brown

Overall, the soundtrack of Last Supper is a powerful and emotive accompaniment to Tom's story of resilience and the pursuit of the American dream. It adds an extra layer of depth to the narrative and enhances the overall viewing experience.

John Johnson

The composition of the soundtrack effectively mirrors Tom's struggles and triumphs in a foreign land, creating a deep connection with the audience. Each musical piece enhances the storytelling, adding layers of emotion and depth to the narrative.

Mary Anderson

The use of different musical instruments in the soundtrack adds depth and richness to the storytelling, enhancing the overall viewing experience. Each track complements the on-screen action and helps to convey the emotions of the characters.

Patricia Scott

The soundtrack of Last Supper seamlessly integrates with the visuals, enhancing the storytelling and creating a cohesive viewing experience. The music sets the tone for each scene and adds an extra layer of depth to the narrative.

Matthew Hall

The soundtrack of Last Supper perfectly captures the essence of Tom's journey from a small town in England to America. The music evokes a sense of adventure and determination that reflects Tom's courage to pursue his dreams.

Melissa Nelson

The themes of courage and perseverance in the story are beautifully underscored by the music in Last Supper. The uplifting melodies and inspiring harmonies serve as a reminder that with hard work and determination, one can overcome any obstacle.

Laura Brown

The musical compositions in Last Supper feel disjointed and disconnected from the narrative, making it difficult for the audience to emotionally connect with Tom's experiences. The soundtrack fails to create a cohesive atmosphere that supports the character development and challenges faced by Tom as he navigates a new culture and way of life.

David Williams

The soundtrack for Last Supper fails to reflect the themes of courage, determination, and the pursuit of the American dream portrayed in the story. The music lacks a sense of motivation and inspiration, missing the opportunity to enhance the audience's understanding of Tom's journey and the obstacles he overcomes. The lackluster soundtrack detracts from the overall impact of the film and leaves a disappointing impression on viewers.

Donald Wilson

The soundtrack effectively conveys the challenges and triumphs that Tom faces throughout his journey. The music reflects his struggles and successes, creating a powerful and moving narrative that keeps the audience engaged.

Charles Thomas

The composition and arrangement of the soundtrack are exceptional, creating a cohesive and engaging listening experience. The melodies are uplifting and inspiring, resonating with the themes of hard work and perseverance portrayed in the film.

Ronald Hall

The soundtrack of Last Supper perfectly captures the emotional journey of Tom from a small town in England to America. The music beautifully conveys the sense of hope and excitement as he embarks on his new adventure.