Leopardi Soundtrack (

Leopardi Soundtrack (2014) cover

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Rating: 6.80/10 from 3100 votes
Tags: italian literature
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Il giovane favoloso

Title in Italiano:

Il giovane favoloso

Title in Português:



Leopardi is a biographical film that tells the story of the Italian poet and philosopher Giacomo Leopardi. Born in the 19th century, Leopardi was a brilliant mind who struggled with physical ailments and emotional turmoil throughout his life.

The film explores Leopardi's relationships with his family, his unrequited love for a woman named Fanny, and his deep philosophical reflections on the nature of existence and human suffering.

Despite his struggles, Leopardi produced some of the most profound and influential works of Italian literature, including poems, essays, and letters.

Leopardi is a poignant and thought-provoking film that delves into the life and mind of a complex and troubled genius.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
K&F Thema
Apparat: Writer
Warm signal
Apparat: Writer
Apparat: Writer
K & F Thema (Pizzicato)
Apparat: Writer
Apparat: Writer
You don't know me
Apparat: Writer
The letter
Apparat: Writer
The church
Apparat: Writer
Silvia's death
Apparat: Writer
The letter 2
Apparat: Writer
Apparat: Writer
Apparat: Writer
To Rome
Apparat: Writer
The move
Apparat: Writer
Apparat: Writer
Torre del Greco
Apparat: Writer
Stabat Mater Dolorosa
Quando Corpus Morietur
Matilde di Shabran - Sinfonia
Matilde di Shabran - Atto 1 - dal Quartetto ALMA REA!
Guglielmo Tell - Sinfonia
Sei Sonate a quattro

User reviews

Anthony Martinez

The use of traditional Italian musical elements in the soundtrack adds authenticity and richness to the portrayal of Leopardi's life and work.

Carol Brown

I found the soundtrack of Leopardi to be quite repetitive and lacking in originality. The same musical motifs seemed to be reused throughout the film, which made it feel monotonous and uninspired.

Matthew Gonzalez

The soundtrack of Leopardi beautifully captures the emotional depth and complexity of Giacomo Leopardi's life story.

Dorothy Thompson

Overall, the soundtrack of Leopardi is a masterful blend of emotion, intellect, and historical resonance, serving as a fitting tribute to the life and legacy of one of Italy's most renowned poets and philosophers.

Kimberly Scott

The music enhances the film's exploration of Leopardi's struggles with physical ailments and emotional turmoil, adding another layer of depth to the narrative.

Charles Rodriguez

The soundtrack of Leopardi enhances the film's storytelling by providing an evocative and atmospheric backdrop for the unfolding drama.

Kenneth Walker

The music accompanying Leopardi's relationships with his family and his unrequited love for Fanny is both haunting and poignant, amplifying the emotional impact of these themes.

Melissa Perez

The music of Leopardi skillfully mirrors the intellectual depth and creative brilliance of Giacomo Leopardi, underscoring his status as a literary genius.

Amanda Roberts

Personally, I felt that the soundtrack of Leopardi did not effectively capture the essence of Giacomo Leopardi's inner struggles and philosophical reflections. The music did not seem to reflect the complexity and depth of the character, missing an opportunity to truly elevate the storytelling and immerse the viewers in the world of this brilliant poet and philosopher.

Ashley Hernandez

The music in Leopardi often felt disconnected from the emotional depth of the scenes it was meant to accompany. Instead of enhancing the poignant moments in the film, the soundtrack sometimes detracted from the overall impact and failed to create a strong emotional connection with the audience.

Richard Brown

The soundtrack effectively conveys the profound philosophical reflections of Leopardi, creating a sense of introspection and contemplation.

Karen Thomas

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack evoke a sense of melancholy and introspection that resonates with Leopardi's own struggles and inner turmoil.

Laura Turner

The music in Leopardi beautifully complements the poetic and philosophical themes of the story, adding another layer of depth to the narrative.

Lisa Turner

The musical compositions in Leopardi are masterfully crafted, enriching the narrative with their profound emotional resonance and thematic relevance.

Joseph Adams

The soundtrack of Leopardi truly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the film. The haunting melodies and evocative compositions perfectly complement the story of Giacomo Leopardi, enhancing the viewer's experience and drawing them into his world.

Susan Perez

The music in Leopardi strikes a delicate balance between sorrow and beauty, mirroring the bittersweet essence of Leopardi's life and work.

Robert Jackson

The use of classical music in the soundtrack adds a timeless and majestic quality to the film, elevating the storytelling and creating a sense of grandeur befitting Leopardi's intellectual and artistic legacy. Each musical piece seems carefully chosen to reflect the different facets of Leopardi's character, from his poetic sensitivity to his philosophical introspection, making the soundtrack a powerful and integral part of the overall cinematic experience.

Mark Allen

The soundtrack of Leopardi skillfully mirrors the intellectual and emotional journey of the protagonist, creating a powerful connection between the audience and Leopardi's inner world.

Donna Hernandez

The use of classical instruments in the score adds a timeless quality to the film, transporting the audience to 19th-century Italy and immersing them in Leopardi's world.

Lisa Parker

The score perfectly complements the film's visual storytelling, creating a cohesive and immersive cinematic experience for the audience.

Matthew Campbell

The soundtrack of Leopardi succeeds in immersing the audience in the historical and cultural context of 19th-century Italy, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Matthew Jackson

The soundtrack of Leopardi perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the film, enhancing the viewing experience.