"Les enfants du soleil" is a French play written by Maxime Gorky. The story revolves around a group of intellectuals who are living in a commune in Russia. They are led by a doctor named Protasov, who is idealistic and believes in the power of science to improve society. However, the commune is facing many challenges, including poverty, disease, and political unrest.
As the play unfolds, the characters grapple with their own personal struggles and the larger issues facing their community. They must confront their own egos and desires, as well as the harsh realities of the world around them. Protasov's idealism is put to the test as he tries to navigate the complexities of human nature and society.
Overall, "Les enfants du soleil" is a thought-provoking exploration of the human condition and the challenges of creating a better world. It raises important questions about the role of intellectuals in society, the limits of science, and the power of human connection.