Let Them Come Soundtrack (

Let Them Come Soundtrack (2015) cover

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Rating: 7.00/10 from 89 votes
Tags: father murders daughter, imf
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Title in Español:

Let Them Come

Title in Italiano:

Let Them Come


Algeria, the late 80s. Idols of the past, such as socialism, are staggering. New idols rush in: capitalism made in IMF, islamism made in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan. For Nouredine there is only one idol: his mother. And her decision is final: Nouredine will marry Yasmina who is supposed to teach him happiness. Together they will discover the horror of a country staggering into kafka-like absurdity and is falling into barbarity and fanaticism.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Let Them Come
We've Got a Lot to Be Glad For
B.I.G. E.G.O.
Voodoo You
The Time of the Dragonflies
Anthem for the Already Defeated
Loud Mouths
Darlin' You're Sweet