Liquidation is a novel written by Imre Kertész, a Hungarian author and Nobel Prize winner. The story follows the life of a Holocaust survivor named György Köves, who returns to Budapest after being liberated from a concentration camp. As he tries to rebuild his life in a post-war society, György struggles with the trauma of his past experiences and the challenges of starting over.
Throughout the novel, György grapples with feelings of guilt, shame, and isolation as he navigates a world that has been forever changed by the horrors of the Holocaust. As he confronts his own demons and tries to come to terms with his past, György must also contend with the harsh realities of a society that is quick to forget and eager to move on.
Liquidation is a powerful and haunting exploration of the lasting impact of trauma and the struggle to find meaning and redemption in a world that has been shattered by war and genocide. Kertész's prose is both lyrical and stark, capturing the emotional turmoil of his protagonist with raw honesty and depth.