"Looking for Hortense" is a French comedy-drama film directed by Pascal Bonitzer. The story follows Damien, a middle-aged Parisian professor who is dealing with a complicated personal life. He is married to Iva, a Romanian immigrant, and they have a teenage son named Noé. Damien's father, a renowned political scientist, is also a prominent figure in his life.
One day, Damien's father asks him to help his friend Zorica, a Serbian woman who is facing deportation. Zorica's only hope is to marry a French citizen, and Damien reluctantly agrees to help her by pretending to be her husband. This decision sets off a chain of events that forces Damien to confront his own insecurities and reevaluate his relationships.
As Damien navigates the complexities of his personal life, he finds himself looking for Hortense, a sense of stability and purpose that seems elusive. The film explores themes of identity, family, and the search for meaning in a modern world.