Los invitados Soundtrack (

Los invitados Soundtrack (1987) cover

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Rating: 6.00/10 from 41 votes
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Title in Español:

Los invitados


The Guests is a suspense novel that tells the story of a group of friends who gather for a weekend getaway at a remote cabin in the woods. As they settle in for a relaxing time, strange things start happening around them.

One by one, the guests begin to disappear without a trace, leaving the rest of the group terrified and confused. As they try to unravel the mystery of their friends' disappearances, they realize that they are not alone in the cabin.

With tension mounting and suspicions running high, the remaining guests must confront their deepest fears and secrets in order to survive the night.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Los invitados
Qué Tú Esperas?
Maxiolly: Artist
Mis Noches
Tuny D: Artist
Ac Black: Artist
San Andreas
Homie !: Artist
La Independiente
Alejandro Santamaria: Artist
Pitizion: Artist
Tus Vibras
Tuny D: Artist
Flako Gallego: Artist
Ganar o Ganar
Radio MC: Artist
Tu y Yo
Cami Moreno: Artist
A Wonder: Artist
Todo Ray
574: Artist
Maxi: Artist
Steve Hills: Artist
Maldita Obsesion
Cami Moreno: Artist
A Wonder: Artist
Maxiolly: Artist
574: Artist
Maxi: Artist
Slay Fox: Artist
You Andy: Artist
Naobtz: Artist
Cami Moreno: Artist
A Wonder: Artist
Homie !: Artist
Colombian Style
Colombian Style - En Vivo
Paz y Tranquilidad
Cambios - Remix
Caracol Televisión: Artist
Guita: Artist
Sin Querer
Ac Black: Artist

User reviews

Joseph Wilson

The soundtrack of The Guests showcases a diverse range of musical styles and tones, reflecting the multifaceted nature of the characters and their interactions.

Ashley Wilson

The use of subtle sound effects in the music enhances the sense of unease and mystery throughout the film, keeping me on the edge of my seat.

Carol Jackson

Each track in the soundtrack complements the different moods and emotions portrayed in the film, creating a cohesive and immersive auditory experience.

Joseph Allen

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack of The Guests perfectly capture the eerie atmosphere of the story, adding depth to the suspenseful moments.

Andrew Miller

The use of recurring motifs and themes in the music helps to underscore the underlying themes of the film, adding a sense of cohesion and depth to the storytelling.

Mark Baker

The soundtrack of The Guests immerses the audience in the isolated and unsettling setting of the remote cabin. The atmospheric sounds and haunting melodies contribute to the feeling of isolation and help set the tone for the unfolding mystery.

Kimberly Garcia

Overall, the soundtrack of The Guests fell short in delivering a memorable and engaging auditory experience that could have complemented the chilling events unfolding in the novel.

Lisa Adams

The use of haunting melodies and ominous tones in the music adds an extra layer of unease to the story, effectively drawing the listeners into the heart-pounding suspense of the plot. The soundtrack truly complements the narrative, creating a chilling and immersive experience that stays with you long after the final note fades away.

Ashley Lee

The soundtrack's ability to build tension gradually mirrors the escalating sense of dread experienced by the characters, drawing me further into the story.

Deborah Anderson

The soundtrack of The Guests perfectly captures the eerie and suspenseful atmosphere of the novel. Each track is meticulously crafted to heighten the tension and keep the audience on the edge of their seats, enhancing the overall sense of dread and mystery.

Amanda Johnson

The atmospheric soundscape crafted in the soundtrack adds a layer of complexity to the narrative, deepening my emotional connection to the characters and their plight.

Karen Martinez

The music in The Guests effectively sets the tone for each scene, enhancing the storytelling and creating a sense of foreboding that lingers long after the film ends.

Carol Carter

The composition of the music in The Guests showcases a keen understanding of how to evoke fear and suspense through subtle melodies and chilling harmonies.

James Davis

The music in The Guests effectively enhances the storytelling by building tension and adding layers of mystery. The subtle melodies and haunting sounds create a sense of foreboding that heightens the suspense throughout the narrative.

James Carter

The soundtrack of The Guests perfectly captures the eerie and suspenseful atmosphere of the novel. The use of ominous tones and subtle cues keeps the audience on edge, mirroring the characters' sense of unease.

Mary Evans

Overall, the soundtrack of The Guests is a standout element of the film, elevating the viewing experience and leaving a lasting impression with its evocative and haunting melodies.

Lisa Thomas

Overall, the music in The Guests is a crucial element that enhances the overall experience of the novel. The soundtrack effectively conveys the sense of dread and uncertainty that pervades the story, making it a key component of the immersive reading experience.

Elizabeth Miller

The music choices often felt out of place and disconnected from the scenes, diminishing the overall impact of the narrative. It missed the opportunity to elevate key moments and create a more immersive experience for the readers.

Mark Hall

The soundtrack of The Guests did not enhance the suspenseful atmosphere of the novel. It felt generic and predictable, failing to capture the tension and fear present in the story.