"Lucky Them" is a comedy-drama film that follows the story of a music journalist named Ellie Klug who is assigned to track down a famous musician who mysteriously disappeared years ago. As Ellie embarks on this journey, she is forced to confront her own past and unresolved feelings towards the musician. Along the way, she is joined by a quirky aspiring documentarian named Charlie, who adds a new dynamic to her search. As Ellie delves deeper into the musician's past, she begins to unravel the truth behind his disappearance and discovers unexpected connections that challenge her perceptions of love, loss, and redemption.
Play | Title | Artist |
Lucky Them
Galen Disston:
Muscle For The Wing
Jason Dodson:
Make It Good To Me
Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings
Love Letter
Darcy McNulty:
Bobo Boogie
Kid Congo Powers:
Kris Kringle Ju Ju
Kid Congo Powers:
Hi Fi
Everything Trying
Run To You
Coming Up Easy
The Way It Seems To Go