Magnetic Rose is a science fiction anime film that follows a group of space debris collectors who come across an abandoned spaceship. As they explore the ship, they discover that it is controlled by the memories of a famous opera singer named Eva Friedel. The ship's AI creates illusions based on Eva's memories, trapping the crew in a haunting and surreal world.
The crew must navigate through the illusions and confront their own past traumas in order to escape the ship. As they delve deeper into Eva's memories, they uncover the tragic story of her life and the events that led to her demise. The film explores themes of memory, loss, and the power of art to transcend reality.
Magnetic Rose is a visually stunning and emotionally gripping film that combines elements of horror, drama, and science fiction. It is a haunting and thought-provoking exploration of the human psyche and the ways in which our memories shape our reality.