Maps to the Stars tells the story of the Weiss family, the archetypical Hollywood dynasty. Father Stafford is an analyst and coach who has made a fortune with his self-help manuals. Mother Cristina mostly looks after the career of their son Benjie, a 13-year-old child star.
One of Stafford's clients, Havana, is an actress who dreams of shooting a remake of the movie that made her mother, Clarice, a star in the 60s. Clarice is dead now, and visions of her come to haunt Havana at night.
Adding to the toxic mix, Benjie has just come off a rehab program he joined when he was 9. His sister, Agatha, has recently been released from a sanatorium where she was treated for criminal pyromania and befriended a limo driver, Jerome, who is also an aspiring actor.
Play | Title | Artist |
Maps to the Stars
Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye