March Comes in Like a Lion is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Chica Umino. The story follows a young professional shogi player named Rei Kiriyama, who is struggling with personal issues and finding his place in the world.
Rei lost his family at a young age and was taken in by a kind family who introduced him to the world of shogi. Despite his talent for the game, Rei feels isolated and disconnected from those around him.
As he navigates the competitive world of professional shogi, Rei begins to form connections with others who help him confront his past and find a sense of belonging. Through his interactions with friends and rivals, Rei learns valuable lessons about life, love, and the importance of human connection.
March Comes in Like a Lion is a poignant and emotional story that explores themes of loneliness, friendship, and self-discovery. The series has been praised for its beautiful artwork, complex characters, and heartfelt storytelling.