Maron is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Atsushi Kase. The story follows Maron Kusakabe, a high school student who is also the reincarnation of Jeanne d'Arc, a famous French heroine. Maron is tasked with sealing demons that have possessed works of art in order to save the souls trapped inside.
As Maron struggles with her duties as a demon hunter, she is aided by Finn Fish, a mysterious angel who guides her in her quest. Together, they must navigate the challenges of balancing Maron's normal life with her secret identity as a magical girl.
Maron explores themes of love, friendship, and the power of belief in oneself. The series has been praised for its unique take on the magical girl genre and its compelling characters.
Play | Title | Artist |
Messin' Up My Mind
Roman Ruins
The Night's so Cold
Come On Home
What's Your Name
Heel Toe