Marry Me, or Not? Soundtrack (

Marry Me, or Not? Soundtrack (2015) cover

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Rating: 7.50/10 from 138 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Bi qu nv ren

Title in Italiano:

Bi qu nv ren


Marry Me, or Not?

In this romantic comedy, the story follows a successful career woman named Hsiao Ching who is determined to never get married. She believes that marriage will only hold her back from achieving her goals and dreams. However, her views on marriage are challenged when she meets the charming and persistent Justin. Despite her initial resistance, Hsiao Ching finds herself falling for Justin and questioning her beliefs about love and marriage.

As their relationship develops, Hsiao Ching must decide whether to stick to her original plan of staying single or take a chance on love and marriage with Justin.

Will she choose to marry Justin, or not?

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Marry Me, or Not?
Love's Forever
Joanne Tseng: Performer
Yoga Lin: Performer

User reviews

Carol Young

The music selection enhances the romantic and comedic moments in the series, adding depth and authenticity to the storyline.

Ronald Phillips

The soundtrack of Marry Me, or Not? failed to capture the emotional depth of the characters' inner struggles and conflicts. I found the music to be generic and uninspiring, lacking the ability to enhance the storytelling and evoke genuine emotions within me.

Donna Hernandez

The soundtrack of Marry Me, or Not? perfectly captures the emotional rollercoaster of Hsiao Ching's journey from staunchly independent to questioning her beliefs about love and marriage. The music seamlessly transitions between lighthearted and introspective tones, enhancing the viewer's connection to the characters' evolving relationships.

Margaret Davis

The soundtrack of Marry Me, or Not? perfectly captures the emotional rollercoaster of Hsiao Ching's journey from staunch independence to questioning her beliefs about love and marriage. The music enhances the storytelling and helps to evoke a range of emotions in the audience.

Ronald White

The use of different musical styles and tones in the soundtrack adds depth and complexity to the characters and their relationships. From playful and light-hearted melodies to more dramatic and intense compositions, the music mirrors the ups and downs of Hsiao Ching and Justin's evolving romance.

Dorothy Roberts

Overall, the soundtrack of Marry Me, or Not? is a standout element that elevates the storytelling and enhances the overall atmosphere of the series. The music not only enhances the romantic and comedic elements but also provides a poignant backdrop to the characters' personal growth and self-discovery.

Dorothy Hernandez

Moreover, the repetitive use of certain musical motifs became tiresome and predictable, making it difficult for me to fully immerse myself in the unfolding drama of the series. Overall, I was left feeling underwhelmed and disappointed by the lackluster soundtrack of Marry Me, or Not?.

Susan Carter

The soundtrack of Marry Me, or Not? perfectly captures the emotional journey of the characters, from Hsiao Ching's initial resistance to love to her eventual vulnerability and willingness to take a chance on marriage.

Ashley Roberts

One of the standout aspects of the soundtrack is how it seamlessly integrates with key moments in the series, enhancing the impact of pivotal scenes and heightening the overall viewing experience. The music not only complements the narrative but also elevates it, making Marry Me, or Not? a truly immersive and engaging watch.

Linda White

Overall, the soundtrack of Marry Me, or Not? is a delightful and integral part of the series, enhancing the viewing experience and drawing viewers deeper into the story.

Joshua Hill

The instrumental pieces in the soundtrack create a beautiful atmosphere that complements the on-screen chemistry between the characters, making the love story even more captivating and engaging.

Richard Jackson

The use of instrumental pieces in the soundtrack adds depth and nuance to pivotal moments in the series, creating a more immersive viewing experience. The music effectively conveys the internal struggles and conflicting emotions of the characters, making their dilemmas feel relatable and genuine.