Mirage is a science fiction novel that follows the story of a young woman named Amani, who lives in a far-off desert planet called Cadiz. Amani dreams of a better life beyond her humble surroundings, but her hopes are shattered when she is kidnapped and taken to the royal palace on the planet Andala.
At the palace, Amani discovers that she is a near-perfect doppelganger of the princess Maram, who is set to marry a Vathek prince to secure an alliance. Amani is forced to impersonate the princess and navigate the dangerous political intrigues of the court, all while trying to find a way back home.
As Amani delves deeper into the secrets of the palace, she uncovers a web of lies and deceit that threaten not only her own life, but the fate of her entire planet. With the help of a group of rebels, Amani must decide where her loyalties lie and fight for her freedom in a world where nothing is as it seems.