"Morometii" is a novel written by Romanian author Marin Preda. The story follows the Moromete family, living in a small village in Romania during the interwar period. The patriarch of the family, Ilie Moromete, is a hardworking peasant who struggles to provide for his family amidst poverty and social changes.
As the family members navigate their own personal challenges and relationships, they are also confronted with the larger political and social upheavals of the time. The novel explores themes of tradition, modernity, and the impact of historical events on individuals and families.
Through the Moromete family's experiences, Preda paints a vivid portrait of rural life in Romania and offers a poignant commentary on the complexities of human nature and society. "Morometii" is considered a classic of Romanian literature and has been praised for its rich character development and insightful portrayal of the human condition.