"Mortu Nega" is a film that tells the story of a young man named N'tji, who is wrongly accused of murder in a small village in Guinea-Bissau. Despite his innocence, N'tji is sentenced to death by hanging. As the day of his execution approaches, his family and friends desperately try to prove his innocence and save him from his fate.
Throughout the film, N'tji's resilience and determination to prove his innocence shine through, as he faces the harsh reality of the corrupt justice system in his country. The film also explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the power of community in the face of adversity.
As the tension builds and the day of N'tji's execution draws near, the audience is left on the edge of their seats, wondering if justice will prevail and if N'tji will be saved from his unjust fate. "Mortu Nega" is a powerful and gripping film that will leave viewers questioning the complexities of justice and morality.