Mr & Mrs Murder is an Australian television series that follows the adventures of married couple Charlie and Nicola Buchanan, who run a cleaning service called "The Scrubbers". However, their real passion lies in solving murders. Despite not being professional detectives, the couple uses their unique skills and attention to detail to crack cases that baffle the police.
With a mix of comedy and crime-solving, Mr & Mrs Murder offers a fresh take on the classic detective genre. The show explores the dynamics of Charlie and Nicola's relationship as they navigate the world of crime solving together. As they uncover clues and unravel mysteries, they also face personal challenges that test their bond.
Each episode features a new case for the couple to solve, with plenty of twists and turns along the way. From high-profile murders to seemingly mundane crimes, Charlie and Nicola are always up for the challenge. With their wit, charm, and unconventional methods, they prove that sometimes the best detectives are the ones you least expect.