Mug is a Polish comedy-drama film directed by Małgorzata Szumowska. The film follows the story of Jacek, a young man who undergoes a face transplant after being disfigured in a work accident. However, the transplant is not entirely successful, leaving Jacek with a new face that does not quite match his personality.
Mug explores themes of identity, self-acceptance, and societal perceptions of beauty. Jacek's struggles with his new appearance lead him to question his place in the world and how others see him. The film is a poignant and thought-provoking look at the impact of physical appearance on one's sense of self.
Mug received critical acclaim upon its release, with particular praise for Szumowska's direction and the performance of lead actor Mateusz Kościukiewicz. The film was nominated for the Golden Bear at the 68th Berlin International Film Festival and won the Jury Grand Prix at the 2018 Berlinale.