My Brother's Keeper Soundtrack (

My Brother's Keeper Soundtrack (2004) cover

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Rating: 5.70/10 from 183 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

My Brother's Keeper

Title in Italiano:

My Brother's Keeper

Title in Português:

My Brother's Keeper


Identical twin brothers Lou and Eric plan to compete together in the National Rowing Championships. But when Eric leaves their small town to attend an Ivy League University, the brother's bond is torn apart.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
My Brother's Keeper
Jeff Penttila: Performer
Jeff Penttila: Writer
Jeff Penttila: Performer
Jeff Penttila: Writer
Jeff Penttila: Performer
Jeff Penttila: Writer
Tom Speaks Love
Bill Halliday: Performer
Bill Halliday: Writer