The King's Avatar is a Chinese web novel written by Hu Dielan. The story follows Ye Xiu, a professional esports player who is forced to retire from his team due to his declining skills. Determined to make a comeback, Ye Xiu starts playing a new game called Glory under a new alias, "Lord Grim."
As he rises through the ranks and becomes a top player once again, Ye Xiu must navigate the competitive world of esports and face off against his former teammates. With his unmatched skills and strategic thinking, Ye Xiu sets out to reclaim his title as the King of Glory.
With its intense gaming battles, complex characters, and thrilling plot twists, The King's Avatar has become a popular series among fans of esports and online gaming. The novel has been adapted into an anime series and a live-action drama, further cementing its status as a must-watch for gamers everywhere.