My Little Monster Soundtrack (

My Little Monster Soundtrack (2012) cover

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Rating: 7.30/10 from 4900 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Tonari no kaibutsu-kun

Title in Italiano:

Tonari no kaibutsu-kun

Title in Português:

My Little Monster


Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Robico. The story follows a high school girl named Shizuku Mizutani who is focused solely on her studies and has no interest in making friends or having a social life. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when she is tasked with delivering class notes to a troublemaker named Haru Yoshida.

Haru is known for his violent behavior and lack of social skills, but Shizuku soon discovers that he is actually a kind-hearted person who just doesn't know how to express his emotions. As the two of them spend more time together, they develop a unique friendship that challenges their preconceived notions about themselves and each other.

Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun explores themes of friendship, self-discovery, and the complexities of human relationships. The series has been praised for its well-developed characters and heartfelt storytelling, making it a popular choice among manga readers.

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Play Title Artist
My Little Monster
Q&A Recital!
Haruka Tomatsu: Performer

User reviews

Edward Jones

The music not only complements the well-developed characters and heartfelt storytelling of My Little Monster, but also elevates the overall viewing experience, making it a standout feature of the series.

Nancy Hill

The soundtrack of My Little Monster perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the characters' relationships, enhancing the storytelling experience.

Ronald Baker

The soundtrack of My Little Monster perfectly captures the emotional depth of the series, enhancing every scene with its beautiful melodies and powerful instrumentals.

Brian Smith

The diverse range of musical styles in the soundtrack adds depth and dimension to the series, keeping the audience engaged throughout.

David White

The soundtrack of My Little Monster perfectly captures the emotional depth of the characters and the evolving dynamics of their relationship. Each track enhances the storytelling and adds a layer of complexity to the scenes.

Susan Hall

The music in My Little Monster is a standout element that complements the narrative beautifully, making it a memorable and enjoyable aspect of the series.

Ronald Lopez

The soundtrack of My Little Monster felt repetitive and uninspired, lacking the emotional depth needed to enhance the storytelling of the series. The music often felt generic and failed to capture the nuances of the characters' complex emotions and relationships.

Nancy Williams

The soundtrack's melodies are memorable and impactful, staying with the audience long after the episodes have ended.

Jennifer Lee

Overall, the musical score of My Little Monster is a standout element that elevates the viewing experience and leaves a lasting impression. It is a testament to the talent of the composers and their ability to enhance the emotional depth of the story through music.

Michelle Williams

The instrumental pieces in the soundtrack evoke a sense of nostalgia and longing, resonating with the themes of friendship and self-discovery in the story.

Joshua Martin

The choice of musical themes in My Little Monster sometimes felt mismatched with the tone of the scenes, creating a jarring disconnect between the visuals and the audio. This inconsistency detracted from the overall viewing experience and failed to create a cohesive atmosphere that would have enriched the narrative of the series.

Joseph Jones

The soundtrack enhances the overall atmosphere of the series, elevating key moments and adding emotional weight to pivotal scenes.

Charles Hernandez

The vocal tracks in the soundtrack convey a wide range of emotions, from joy and excitement to sorrow and contemplation, mirroring the characters' inner struggles and growth.

Carol Perez

Each track in the soundtrack evokes a range of emotions, from heartwarming moments of friendship to intense scenes of self-discovery, truly immersing the viewer in the story's emotional journey.

Joshua Taylor

One aspect that stands out in the soundtrack of My Little Monster is its ability to evoke a sense of nostalgia and longing, adding a bittersweet quality to the narrative. The melodies are hauntingly beautiful and stay with you long after the series ends.

Edward Evans

The music in My Little Monster strikes a balance between lighthearted moments and poignant scenes, effectively conveying the range of emotions experienced by the characters. The soundtrack succeeds in creating a captivating atmosphere that draws viewers into the story.

Paul Phillips

The emotional depth of the music in My Little Monster adds layers of complexity to the characters and their relationships, making them feel more relatable and human.

Ashley Mitchell

The music seamlessly transitions between lighthearted moments and more intense scenes, effectively setting the tone for each episode.

Joseph Nelson

The music in My Little Monster has a way of drawing the viewer into the world of the characters, creating a deeply immersive experience.