The United States of Leland is a drama film that follows the story of a teenage boy named Leland Fitzgerald, who is sent to a juvenile detention center after committing a shocking crime. While in detention, Leland becomes a subject of fascination for his teacher, Pearl Madison, who tries to understand the reasons behind his actions.
As the film unfolds, we learn more about Leland's troubled past and the complex relationships he has with his family and friends. Through flashbacks and interactions with other inmates, we see the impact of Leland's crime on those around him and the emotional turmoil he experiences.
The United States of Leland explores themes of guilt, redemption, and the complexities of human nature. It delves into the moral and ethical questions surrounding Leland's actions, as well as the impact of his choices on those closest to him.
With a stellar cast including Ryan Gosling, Don Cheadle, and Kevin Spacey, The United States of Leland is a thought-provoking and emotionally powerful film that challenges viewers to consider the consequences of their actions and the true nature of forgiveness.
Play | Title | Artist |
The United States of Leland
Eating Soup
River Euphrates
Set It On Fire
BC Smith:
Jeremy Enigk: Writer Jeremy Enigk: Performer Edgardo Simone: String arrangements and orchestrations |
Diamond in Your Mind
Don't Change Nothin'
Mary Jane Hooper:
BC Smith:
Jeremy Enigk: Writer Jeremy Enigk: Performer Edgardo Simone: String arrangements and orchestrations |
Gold In Them Hills
Hang Wire
L' Apertif
Tony Kinsey:
There Are Other Worlds
In My Old World
Don't Go Racing
BC Smith:
Jeremy Enigk: Writer Jeremy Enigk: Performer Edgardo Simone: String arrangements and orchestrations |
Don't Change Nothin'
Mary Jane Hooper:
Ron Sexsmith:
L' Apertif
Frank Black:
Don't Go Racing
Jeremy Enigk: