Naked Singularity Soundtrack (

Naked Singularity Soundtrack (2021) cover

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Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Con su propia justicia

Title in Italiano:

Naked Singularity

Title in Português:

Justiça Singular


An idealistic young New York City public defender burned out by the system, on the brink of disbarment, and seeing signs of the universe collapsing all around him decides to rob a multi-million drug deal of one of his clients.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Naked Singularity
Gravitational Waves
Adam Lasus: Performer
Adam Lasus: Writer
Gold Blood
Put This On
Jung Youth: Performer
Jillionaire: Performer
Jillionaire: Writer
Idle Time (Lack of Afro Remix)
Simon Allen: Writer
The New Mastersounds: Performer