Nang Nak is a Thai horror film based on a popular ghost story in Thailand. The movie tells the story of a young couple, Mak and Nak, who are deeply in love and expecting their first child. However, tragedy strikes when Mak is called away to war, leaving Nak alone to give birth.
Despite Mak's absence, Nak is overjoyed when he returns home safely. However, as time goes on, Mak begins to notice strange and unsettling things about Nak. He soon discovers that Nak has actually died during childbirth and has been haunting their home as a vengeful ghost.
The film explores themes of love, loss, and the supernatural as Mak must come to terms with the fact that his beloved wife is no longer alive. As Nak's ghost becomes more powerful and dangerous, Mak must find a way to break free from her grip before it's too late.
Nang Nak is a chilling and emotional tale that has captivated audiences in Thailand and around the world with its haunting visuals and powerful storytelling.