Night Falls on Manhattan Soundtrack (

Night Falls on Manhattan Soundtrack (1996) cover

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Rating: 6.60/10 from 8900 votes
Tags: manhattan, drama film
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

La noche cae sobre Manhattan

Title in Italiano:

Prove apparenti

Title in Português:

O Lado Obscuro da Lei

Title in Français:

Dans l'ombre de Manhattan

Title in Türk:

Dans l'ombre de Manhattan

Title in Deutsch:

Nacht über Manhattan


Night Falls on Manhattan is a crime drama film directed by Sidney Lumet. The story follows a young district attorney named Sean Casey, played by Andy Garcia, who is determined to bring down a corrupt police officer named Jordan Washington, portrayed by Shiek Mahmud-Bey.

As Casey delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a web of corruption and deceit that reaches the highest levels of power in the city. With the help of his father, a retired cop played by Ian Holm, Casey must navigate the dangerous waters of the criminal justice system to bring Washington to justice.

However, as the investigation progresses, Casey finds himself torn between his duty to uphold the law and his loyalty to his family. As night falls on Manhattan, Casey must make a decision that will not only affect his career but also his personal relationships.

The film explores themes of justice, loyalty, and the moral complexities of the legal system. With a stellar cast and a gripping storyline, Night Falls on Manhattan is a must-see for fans of crime dramas.

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Night Falls on Manhattan

User reviews

Emily Brown

The repetitive use of generic background music in the film became distracting and took away from the overall viewing experience. Instead of adding to the atmosphere and mood of the scenes, the soundtrack felt like an afterthought that did not fully engage the audience.

Ashley Phillips

The soundtrack of Night Falls on Manhattan felt uninspired and lacking in emotional depth. The music did not effectively enhance the tense and dramatic moments of the film, leaving scenes feeling flat and disconnected.

Daniel Robinson

The soundtrack of Night Falls on Manhattan perfectly captures the tension and suspense of the film, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Dorothy Anderson

The use of music in Night Falls on Manhattan plays a crucial role in setting the mood and atmosphere of the film. From moments of intense action to quiet contemplation, the soundtrack enhances the storytelling and keeps the audience engaged throughout.

Ronald Young

The musical choices in Night Falls on Manhattan did not seem to align with the tone and intensity of the story being told. At times, the music felt mismatched and disjointed, failing to create a cohesive and impactful cinematic experience.

Stephanie White

The composition of the soundtrack is skillfully done, with a mix of haunting melodies and powerful orchestral arrangements that elevate the emotional impact of key moments in the story.

Thomas Jones

Overall, the soundtrack of Night Falls on Manhattan is a standout element that complements the stellar performances of the cast and the gripping storyline. The music elevates the viewing experience and immerses the audience in the world of crime, justice, and the moral complexities explored in the film.

Mark Moore

The soundtrack of Night Falls on Manhattan effectively captures the tension and suspense of the film's crime drama genre. The music enhances the sense of intrigue and danger as the protagonist, Sean Casey, delves deeper into the corruption he uncovers.

Kenneth Jackson

The music sets the mood for each scene, effectively drawing viewers into the gritty and intense world of crime and corruption portrayed in the movie.

Kenneth Parker

The emotional depth portrayed in the music of Night Falls on Manhattan adds a layer of complexity to the characters and their moral dilemmas. The soundtrack helps to convey the inner conflicts faced by Casey as he struggles to balance his duty to the law with his personal loyalties.

Joshua Carter

Overall, the soundtrack of Night Falls on Manhattan is a standout element that adds depth and dimension to the film, making it a memorable cinematic experience.