No Guns Life is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tasuku Karasuma. The story is set in a post-war world where cybernetically enhanced humans known as "Extended" exist. The protagonist, Juzo Inui, is a former soldier with a giant revolver for a head, hence the title "No Guns Life".
The series follows Juzo as he takes on various cases as a Resolver, a private detective who specializes in solving crimes involving Extended. Along the way, he uncovers dark secrets about the corporations that manufacture Extended and the government that controls them.
As Juzo delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding the Extended, he must confront his own past and come to terms with his identity as a weapon of war. With action-packed battles and intriguing plot twists, No Guns Life is a thrilling sci-fi noir that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.