A Wind Named Amnesia is a post-apocalyptic science fiction novel written by Yoshio Aramaki. The story takes place in a world where a mysterious wind has wiped out all of humanity's memories, leaving them in a primitive state. The protagonist, Wataru, is one of the few people who retains his memories and sets out on a journey to discover the cause of the amnesia wind.
Along the way, Wataru encounters a woman named Sophia who has also retained her memories. Together, they travel across the barren landscape, encountering various challenges and dangers. As they search for answers, they uncover the truth behind the amnesia wind and its devastating effects on society.
A Wind Named Amnesia explores themes of memory, identity, and the consequences of losing one's past. It is a thought-provoking and philosophical novel that raises questions about the nature of humanity and the importance of memory in shaping our lives.