Nobody's Looking is a Brazilian comedy series that follows the story of Uli, an angel-in-training who is assigned to work in the Angelus System, a bureaucratic afterlife organization responsible for creating and enforcing the rules of the universe. Uli quickly realizes that the angels in charge are not as perfect as they seem, and he starts to question the system and its rules.
As Uli navigates his new job and tries to make sense of the world around him, he meets other angels who challenge his beliefs and push him to think outside the box. Along the way, he also discovers the joys and complexities of being human, as he interacts with people on Earth and learns about their hopes, dreams, and struggles.
Nobody's Looking is a witty and thought-provoking series that explores themes of free will, morality, and the nature of existence. With its clever humor and unique premise, it offers a fresh take on the afterlife genre and invites viewers to question the rules that govern our lives.