Noia is a short film that tells the story of a young girl named Maria who lives in a small village in Galicia, Spain. Maria is a curious and adventurous girl who often wanders off into the forest near her home. One day, while exploring the woods, she stumbles upon a mysterious cave that she has never seen before.
As Maria enters the cave, she is filled with a sense of wonder and excitement. She discovers that the cave is filled with beautiful crystals that shimmer in the dim light. Mesmerized by the beauty of the crystals, Maria decides to explore further into the cave.
However, as she delves deeper into the cave, Maria begins to feel a sense of unease. She starts to hear strange noises and see shadows moving in the darkness. Suddenly, she realizes that she is not alone in the cave.
As Maria tries to find her way out of the cave, she encounters a mysterious figure who warns her to leave immediately. Terrified, Maria runs out of the cave and back to her village, never to return to the cave again.
Noia is a captivating tale of curiosity, danger, and the unknown. It explores the themes of bravery, exploration, and the consequences of meddling with forces beyond our understanding.